Podcast management

Focus on Creating, We'll Handle the Rest

Basic management package


  • Regular episode editing and production (up to 4 episodes per month)
  • Show notes and episode descriptions
  • Audio quality optimization
  • 1 audiogram per episode
  • Submission to podcast directories
  • Social media sharing of episodes
  • Monthly analytics report
  • Episodes uploaded to your Google Drive or Dropbox folder
  • Communication via Slack/Voxer

Starts at $350 USD

standard MANAGEMENT package


  • All features of the Basic Management Package
  • Episode editing and production (up to 8 episodes per month)
  • Guest coordination and scheduling
  • Promotion of podcast episodes on social media
  • Monthly analytics report with insights and recommendations
  • Basic audience engagement support

Starts at $500 USD

premium MANAGEMENT package


  • All features of the Standard Management Package
  • Episode editing and production (up to 12 episodes per month)
  • Cleaned up transcripts for each episode

Starts at $700 USD

These packages can be further customized based on your specific services, pricing, and additional features you may need

Get the information you need by checking out our FAQs!

The podcast management package is for you if:

  • You’re a busy podcaster who wants to focus on creating great content while leaving the administrative and technical tasks to professionals.
  • You’re looking for a team of experts to handle the regular editing, production, and optimization of your podcast episodes.
  • You desire a consistent and high-quality output that reflects your brand and engages your audience.
  • You want to enhance the overall listener experience by providing comprehensive show notes and episode descriptions.
  • You value the strategic promotion of your podcast through social media channels and other marketing efforts.
  • You’re seeking ongoing analytics and insights to track the performance of your podcast and make data-driven decisions.
  • You want to explore opportunities for guest appearances and collaborations to expand your podcast’s reach.
  • You need support in managing your podcast’s online presence, including directory submissions and SEO optimization.

The podcast management package is not for you if:

  • You prefer to handle all aspects of podcast editing, production, and promotion on your own.
  • You have a small number of episodes and can manage the tasks without external assistance.
  • You have a dedicated team or resources available to handle the administrative and technical aspects of your podcast.
  • You’re already satisfied with the current growth and performance of your podcast and do not require additional support.
  • You’re solely focused on niche or personal podcasting where extensive management services may not be necessary.
  • You have budget constraints and prefer a more basic or à la carte approach to managing your podcast.

Ready to take your podcast to the next level?

Let us handle the management while you focus on creating exceptional content. Get in touch with our team today and discover how our podcast management services can elevate your podcasting journey.